Orit Ofir (M Sc. R.D) is a Clinical Dietitian, a PhD student in nutrition sciences in the Hebrew University
.and a natural nutritionist
She is a leading advocate in Israel for vegan and plant based diets appearing regularly on
TV and radio shows, and speaking in prominent health conventions for the general
and professional public. She is the scientific editor of the Hebrew translation of ‘Becoming Vegan’ by
.Brenda Davis and Vesanto Melina
.Orit is also the chief writer and editor of the Israeli Ministry of Health’s position paper regarding soy
:Orit’s private clinic specializes in personally customized vegan /plant based diet for
.All stages of life, especially: pregnancy and lactation –
.Therapeutic diet for diabetes type 2, hypertension & high cholesterol levels –
.Treatment and prevention of anemia –
Weight loss –
.B Sc. and M Sc. in Nutritional Sciences from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem –
:Naturopathic Medicine Degree (N.D) from Reidman College, which includes the following certifications –
.Natural Nutritionist, Clinical Herbalist and Bach Flower Remedies practitioner
.(Orit is also a Pilates Mat teacher (was ordained by ‘Dror Raz’ and also by Angela Sundberg –